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Equine Sarcoids

By: Balanced Eco Solutions

Sarcoid Treatments for Horses

Equine Sarcoids can be the most mis-managed problem for horses and their owners. Sarcoids can render an otherwise sound horse unusable. It is the most frequently diagnosed tumor in horses.  Surveys have estimated the predominance of sarcoids at 20% of all equine neoplasms and 36% of all skin tumors. They occur at any age but are more common in young adult horses.  These tumors may be single or multiple and, although they occur most frequently on the head, limbs and abdomen, they can occur anywhere on the body including sites of trauma and healed wounds.

Sarcoid Identification 101. Sacoids come in all shapes and sizes. We have listed the six different “types” of sarcoids below along with their description.

Occult sarcoids - These are flat, hairless, lichen-like, slightly crusting, dark patches. They often have a smooth, dark hairless area around them.

Verrucose sarcoids - These are raised, nobbly, dark areas that often spread into poorly defined margins. They can also be ulcerated on occasions.

Nodular sarcoids - These are firm and nodular skin lumps which may have normal skin over them.

Fibroblastic sarcoids - These are often ulcerated, weeping, raised sore lesions that may become pedunculated and cauliflower-like.

Mixed sarcoids - Sarcoids are commonly a mixture of two or more of the forms described above.

Malevolent sarcoids - These are rare, invasive sarcoids that invade deeper tissues beneath the skin.
What can a horse owner do when confronted with a Sarcoid? Typically they ask two questions. How did they get it and how do I get rid of it? The answer to the first question is the underlying cause of Sarcoid tumors is the Bovine Papilloma virus. Yes a cow virus..that is transferred by flies.

The answer to the second question is a little tougher. The traditional treatments may include banding with rubber rings, surgical excision, cryosurgery, injection with Bacillus Calmette-Guérin as an immunomodulator, radioactivity and topical or injected chemotherapy agents. Owners often ask are there “natural” products available to remove the Sarcoid? There are “Blood-root” products (zinc chloride) like Xxterra. Xxterra burns the sarcoid off similar to Wort Be Gone. Very painful to the horse and after burning the Sarcoid, hair will not return nor grow back. The sad part is on any of these treatments we have discussed so far the Bovine Papilloma virus, will travel to other points in the body and return more aggressively. These treatments only address a symptom rather than the cause.

There is another natural option for treating sarcoids – Sarcoid Cleaning Salve from Balanced Eco Solutions. Sarcoid Salve is an all natural remedy that eliminates the Sarcoid and unlike the treatments mentioned earlier draws the virus from the blood stream. Sarcoid Salve does not burn but is extremely soothing and promotes hair growth in the effected area unlike Blood-root products mentioned earlier. I know what you’re saying… this is too good to be true. I can tell you from personal experience it works. We had a Warmblood gelding that got a Sarcoid next to his sheath, about 4”x6” the Vet said he could remove it surgically but suggested we leave it. We started using the salve and saw dramatic changes within the first week. Ultimately it took several months but the Sarcoid is gone and has not returned in over four years.

Balanced Eco Solutions has been distributing Sarcoid Salve to horse owners around the world for the past 4 years. We have assisted in treating over 15 horses just in 2010 alone, all with positive results. We have had several cases were horses had multiple surgeries with marginal results; started using the Cleaning Salve to see the Sarcoid completely removed and no reoccurrence. Others that used the Blood-root products and had the horses run away from them because it was painful saw a complete change in their horse when they started using the Cleaning Salve because it is soothing and did not burn. The salve can be used as a pre or post surgical treatment. The salve can be used on pregnant mares and foals. Keep in mind that no two sarcoids react the same, but in each case we saw positive results.

If you and your horse are dealing with Sarcoids we want to hear from you. Balanced Eco Solutions is happy to take your call to help and answer any questions you may have. The first goal at Balanced Eco Solutions is educating the horse owner and second to provide products that work.

Ebony's ProMotion is a 25-year-old TWH with Cushing's Syndrome. We had previously removed four Sarcoid tumors from various places on him, and he developed still another size of a plum on his leg last summer. Wishing to avoid putting him through a painful surgical procedure, I ordered Sarcoid Salve and began to apply it July 29th. As of March 3rd, 2010, the Sarcoid is approximately 25% its original size. I have not been aggressive with the removal process; rather, I allow it to slough off on its own to avoid an open sore. I would imagine the process would be much more immediate with more intense debridement; however, we are confident it will continue to diminish almost bloodlessly and without pain.

- Berta Richter March, 2010

My appaloosa gelding had a sarcoid in his right ear that was approaching golf ball size; I used the cleaning wipes and sarcoid cleansing salve beginning in mid Sept; it stopped growing and by mid Oct the growth literally fell off; I continued to clean and reapply salve and spot where growth had been is now pink and smooth; these products are truly a blessing Thank you so very much for making this product accessible to horse owners and giving back my horse Magic his good health. I was hopeful but skeptical thinking we were probably headed for surgery, but didn't think it would hurt to give this a try. The results were nothing short of a miracle in my opinion.

- Christy Krinn November, 2009